Microalgae for health


Preventive care in hepatology

Applications of Spirulysat® in prevention of hepatological diseases

Spirulysat® is the emblematic product of AlgoSource, obtained thanks to a unique and patented process of cold-water extraction, without solvents or chemicals. Performed without any heat treatment, this exclusive process makes it possible to isolate the most powerful active ingredients from spirulina and retain all their original properties.

Spirulysat® is, thus, a pure complex of the molecules of interest in spirulina. Among these, phycocyanins are at the heart of this extract of high added value.

Today, the technological mastery that AlgoSource has been able to develop allows it to dose its phycocyanin extracts on demand, thereby offering cutting-edge health applications, prevention of pathologies or supportive care, in addition to curative medication protocols to support the quality of life of patients.

For almost 10 years, AlgoSource has worked with the Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine Grand Ouest, which is part of the Nantes University Hospital and the INRA, as well as with the Biofortis laboratory of the Biomérieux group. It is with these laboratories that the antioxidant activity of Spirulysat® and specific health applications have been demonstrated.


Prevention of NASH syndrome – Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

NASH syndrome is an inflammation of the liver linked to excess fat. The cause: poor diet and excessive consumption of sugar, hence its nickname “soda disease” or “fatty liver disease”.

With NASH, the accumulation of fat – called steatosis – in the liver is accompanied by inflammation and cell damage identical to that caused by alcoholic hepatitis. However, alcohol is not to blame. This disease occurs most often in people suffering from obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure. About one in five patients with NASH eventually develops cirrhosis and a potential risk of liver cancer.

At present, there is no curative treatment for this syndrome. Thus, today, regular physical activity associated with a low-calorie diet are the recommended ways of preventing this syndrome.

In 2016, AlgoSource entrusted Dr. Khadija Ougerram of CRNH Grand Ouest, researcher within UMR 1280 Physiology of Nutritional Adaptations, with conducting clinical trials aimed at demonstrating the preventive effect of Spirulysat® on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The results obtained, combined with a specific dose effect, confirmed this direct effect on protection of the liver and on prevention of the onset of NASH syndrome.

On the strength of these results, AlgoSource filed and obtained the first invention patent making it possible to claim the effects of Spirulysat®, a Spirulina extract containing a high concentration of active ingredients, for protection of the liver and the prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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