Microalgae for health


Our partners

AlgoSource works on a daily basis with many partners, public and private, all committed to discovering more about microalgae and to revealing their potential to the world for the food and health of tomorrow.

Here, it would like to thank all of its partners, whether public or private, for the scientific collaboration and sharing of knowledge, as well as the professional support provided throughout these years, within the framework of research and development projects around microalgae:

The GEPEA Laboratory: www.gepea.fr 

The ALGOSOLIS platform: www.algosolis.com 

The University of Nantes: www.univ-nantes.fr 

The Nantes University Hospital: www.chu-nantes.fr 

The CNRH – Center de Recherche Nutrition Grand Ouest: www.crnh-ouest.fr 

The ANR – Agence Nationale de la Recherche: www.anr.fr  

The CNRS – Centre National de la Rechercher Scientifique: www.cnrs.fr 

The ANRT – Association Nationale Recherche Technologie: www.anrt.asso.fr 

ADEME – Agency for Ecological Transition: www.ademe.fr 

The IFREMER – Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer: www.ifremer.fr 

The Conservatoire du Littoral: www.conservatoire-du-littoral.fr 

AlgoSource works on a daily basis with many partners, public and private,

AlgoSource works on a daily basis with many partners, public and private, all committed to discovering more about microalgae and to revealing their potential to the world for the food and health of tomorrow.

Here, it would like to thank all of its partners, whether public or private, for the scientific collaboration and sharing of knowledge, as well as the professional support provided throughout these years, within the framework of research and development projects around microalgae:

The GEPEA Laboratory: www.gepea.fr 

The ALGOSOLIS platform: www.algosolis.com 

The University of Nantes: www.univ-nantes.fr 

The Nantes University Hospital: www.chu-nantes.fr 

The CNRH – Center de Recherche Nutrition Grand Ouest: www.crnh-ouest.fr 

The ANR – Agence Nationale de la Recherche: www.anr.fr  

The CNRS – Centre National de la Rechercher Scientifique: www.cnrs.fr 

The ANRT – Association Nationale Recherche Technologie: www.anrt.asso.fr 

The University of Clermont-Ferrand: www.pharmacy.uca.fr

ADEME – Agency for Ecological Transition: www.ademe.fr 

The IFREMER – Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer: www.ifremer.fr 

The Conservatoire du Littoral: www.conservatoire-du-littoral.fr 

AlgoSource would also like to thank the Pays de la Loire Region for its confidence in the participation of AlgoSource as a Biodiversity Ambassador company and signatory of the charter of the same name.

AlgoSource thanks all its institutional partners for their support both at the European and local levels:

 AlgoSource is a member of the French Healthcare, Club CO2, Produit en Bretagne and Britinov’ networks and of the Atlanpôle  and IAR competitiveness clusters, as well as the Bio-economics cluster and the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique.

AlgoSource is a member of SYNADIET, the National Union of Food Supplements, as well as the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA).

AlgoSource thanks all its institutional partners for their support both at the European and local levels

AlgoSource would also like to thank the Pays de la Loire Region for its confidence in the participation of AlgoSource as a Biodiversity Ambassador company and signatory of the charter of the same name.

AlgoSource thanks all its institutional partners for their support both at the European and local levels:

 AlgoSource is a member of the French Healthcare, Club CO2, Produit en Bretagne and Britinov’ networks and of the Atlanpôle  and IAR competitiveness clusters, as well as the Bio-economics cluster and the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique.

AlgoSource is a member of SYNADIET, the National Union of Food Supplements, as well as the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA).

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Do you want to know more about our products, our ingredients from microalgae and our know-how? Contact us!